Travellers built a road onto the field near Blagrove Lane and moved four caravans onto the site over the weekend.

Wokingham Borough Council served notice on the site saying the caravans had to go by midnight on Monday, April 27. The travellers ignored there deadline and Wokingham Borough Council were forced to turn to the high court.

““We have today (April 30) served a High Court injunction to prevent further unauthorised caravans and other development at the site,” said Clare Lawrence, head of development management and regulatory services, at Wokingham Borough Council.

“We will be serving an enforcement notice and permanent stop notice in the next few days in respect of the existing caravans, and development on the site, and will continue using all of the legal powers available to us.” There have been two planning applications on the site, trying to build two pitches each for two caravans. The most recent application was turned down on December 31 last year. The decision has been appealed to the planning inspectorate.