Here is a list of food establishments in Bracknell and Wokingham that currently have a one out of five hygiene rating.

As it stands, there are currently 3 food outlets and one retailer in the area that have the second-to-worst rating possibly given.

While some of the establishments have been awarded the rating this year, others have been stamped with the one-out-of-five rating for over a year. 

Once they have received their respective scores, they must display them through a visible window so customers are aware.

What do the numbers mean?

0 – Urgent improvement is necessary

1 – Major improvements are necessary

2 – Improvements necessary

3 – Business generally satisfactory

4 – Business good on assessment

5 – Business is seen as very good

The list is as follows:

West End Farm Cafe, Warfield

Bracknell News:

Hygienic food handling - Improvement necessary

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building - Good

Management of food safety - Major Improvement necessary

Date of inspection: March 29, 2023


Raj Tandoori, Yorktown Road

Bracknell News:

Hygienic food handling - Generally satisfactory

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building - Good

Management of food safety - Major Improvement necessary

Date of inspection: August 22, 2023.


Adom Shop, Market Street

Hygienic food handling - Generally satisfactory

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building - Good

Management of food safety - Major Improvement necessary

Date of inspection: May 6, 2022

(New rating to be published soon).



One restaurant in Wokingham has scored a one-out-of-five food hygiene rating.

Emmbrook Inn

Hygienic food handling - Improvement necessary

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building - Improvement necessary

Management of food safety - Major Improvement necessary

Date of inspection: October 4, 2023