A BRACKNELL animal lover has not let the coronavirus pandemic stop her from helping and giving advice to pet owners in the borough.

Animal physiotherapist Donna Wills from Crown Wood launched 'Cuppa Tea with the Vet' after the lockdown put in place social distancing rules stopping her from seeing her loyal clients.

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Her job has helped many people with their animals, so she decided to go digital and carry on her work bringing positivity and leaving people's spirits during quarantine.

She said: "So many of us have had our businesses shut down by Covid-19. I am an animal physiotherapist, so found this very hard to swallow. My clients were so sad, and I cried when we were told this blow. I felt unimaginable sadness at the thought of my patients deteriorating and I concluded I was not going to let the virus win."

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Her Facebook live videos include showing people how to do a head massage on their dogs and tips to owners to get through these 'tough times'.

Since live streaming, Donna has also had local vet Jenny from Bracken Veterinary Centre offer her expertise to local cat and dog owners.

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Ms Wills added: "We did the interview and the response was incredible. We had owners interacting and asking questions and thanking us for putting the show on. I asked questions like, what still grosses her out as a vet? What made her become a vet? If she could chat to anyone right now who would it be."

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"We are proud we have managed to find a way too survive Covid-19. Its not bringing an income, but its keeping my mind active, and I feel its going a long way to making owners feel a little more in control right now and building owner-vet relationships. Be happy everyone!"

Visit: facebook.com/animalphysiotherapyltd/ to find out more.