Crowthorne High Street will close for four hours next month for the turning on of Christmas lights and some late-night shopping.

In a bid to support local businesses and charities, driver access to the high street will cease at 4 pm on Friday, December 1 until 8 pm that same evening.

Festivities begin at 5 pm and will end at 7.30 pm.

Christmas gifts, festive food, tombolas and Father Christmas will all be available to mark the switching on of the festive lights.

Children in Crowthorne are invited to design posters to help advertise the event.

They will need to create something bright, seasonal and eye-catching for their chance to win a prize.

All of the posters received will be displayed in local shops and there will be a Sweet Tiger gift voucher, presented by the Mayor of Bracknell, for the winning entry in each of the following age categories:-

Pre-school/Foundation stage

Key stage 1 (Years 1-2)

Key stage 2 (Years 3-6)

Names, school, age and year group must be clearly written on the back, and returned to Crowthorne Parish Office at the Morgan Centre by 2 pm, Wednesday, November 15.