MORE THAN 220 tonnes of waste in Bracknell were chucked out over the Christmas week, data has revealed recently.

A total of 224 tonnes of food waste was dumped from homes in the Bracknell borough, according to a survey released by Bracknell recycling firm

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The statistics were collected after 4,500 Bracknell residents were surveyed for what was going in their bins over Christmas, revealing some strange and shocking results.

It was discovered that, among other things, 105 tonnes of food packaging, 37 tonnes of leftover Christmas dinners, and a tonne of cheese was dumped over the holidays.

Charlotte Green,, said: “Even with a slightly toned-down Christmas this year, we all know how full the bins get after Christmas – it’s now clear the huge environmental impact all this waste has.

The numbers are simply astonishing – 1 tonnes of uneaten cheese chucked out for example.

“People in Bracknell seem to have taken to eating well this year, with lockdowns and all the doom and gloom – it seems comfort eating has become a National institution, however nearly 4 tonnes of half-eaten mince pies where thrown out - seems a terrible shame to me!

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“It’s really difficult to reduce waste at Christmas, but we can all do our bit.

"It’s really important to split up all the waste you have and put it in the correct bin – some need to be processed differently – like broken Christmas lights.

"I just want to know who is chucking out mince pies, send them to me!"