DEDICATED beavers and cubs have raised more than £4,000 to refurbish their 90-year-old scout hut.

The 1st South Ascot Scout Group in Church Road, have been fundraising during lockdown to improve their scout hut for "future generations" of beavers and cubs.

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From cycling to staying silent for 24 hours, the members helped raise a total of £4,045.

William Jones who is nine-year's-old spent a gruelling 24 hours being quiet, raising £1,000.

Brothers Oliver Jones (9) and Leo Jones (7) also took on the 24 hour challenge and raised £227.

10-year-old Sam Brown cycled his way through £1,000 and Isaac Richardson, (8) cycled 100km and raised £418.

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Fiona Jones, group scout leader, said “It’s fantastic that the boys have decided for themselves to fundraise to refurbish the scout hut. I’m very proud of them for taking an interest in improving the hut not only for them to use but for many future generations of Beavers, Cubs & Scouts.”

Due to their amazing achievements, the five boys were awarded a District Commissioner's Award for helping raise more than 10 per cent of the fundraising target.

The hut has no heating or insulation, it has holes in the walls and the roof and it also needs re-painting.

The 1st South Ascot Scouts would also like to have heating, insulation, new external cladding as well as redecorating the interior. 1st South Ascot Scout Group are still actively fundraising and any donations are gratefully received.

Visit: to donate.