The council's public budget consultation closed on 23 January. I hope many of you took the opportunity to have your say.

For the past 13 years, as opposition leader at Bracknell Forest Council, I was so disappointed that each year there were so few responses to the budget consultation.

When I became leader of Bracknell Forest Council, I was determined this would change. The Labour manifesto said that we would take the council to the residents - so we have just done that with the consultation on the budget.

I have attended 12 sessions where residents were invited to come and ask me questions and raise their concerns. It enabled me to explain why council tax may rise. These sessions have been held in every community across Bracknell Forest.

I was very pleased that I did this, as there has been some misunderstanding about the proposals concerning the libraries. I was able to explain and clarify what is actually being proposed.

There is a proposal to reorganise library service and customer service teams and close the home library service. There is no plan to close any of our libraries, reduce their opening hours or stop any of the wonderful activities they hold for our communities.

The other areas of concern raised were the proposals to reduce some of the litter bins, reduce the cutting of grass verges and to dim the level of street lighting by 10 per cent. The last two proposals would support a reduction in Bracknell Forest’s carbon footprint.

Most of the consultation responses were positive. However, changes will be made to some of the proposals as a result of these sessions and as a result of all the responses received. Your voice has been heard.

The final decision on the budget and the setting of council tax will be taken at the full council meeting on Wednesday, 21 February.

I wish you all a pleasant week ahead. Take care during the bouts of stormy weather we are experiencing.