Silva Homes could be allowed to demolish 55 garages to make way for 11 new houses – in an area where on-street parking has been branded ‘chaotic’.

The housing association wants planning permission to demolish the garages behind Mostyn House off Merryhill Road. But several neighbours have told Bracknell Forest Council they fear the plan will make parking in the area worse – and asked for more and better parking instead.

Sara Yalden-Castle of Hart Close said: “The parking around Hart close is bad enough with more cars than dedicated spaces, and other residents from adjoining roads also parking in Hart close, which has caused vehicle damage, pathways being blocked, and dangerous parking.

“The proposed development will add more issues with parking which has been an issue made known for a number of years where there's stinging nettles, overgrown sections of wasted potential parking spaces because Silva Homes cannot afford or care to upkeep.”

READ MORE: Why it's getting harder to find a parking space in Bracknell

She added: “By taking away the additional parking for local residents it will again put increased pressure on an already broken parking issue.”

Grace Cardall of Meadow Way said it would be better to use the land for a new car park and allotments.

She said: “Priestwood roads are already dangerous and have a high volume of traffic, with little parking, on road parking makes it very dangerous for pedestrians, especially school children.

“A better use of space would be a general car park for visitors and garden allotments which people are asking for consistently.”

But council planning officers say the plans won’t lead to more on-street parking in the area. They say: “The garages are in a poor state of repair with only 24 of the 55 garages currently in use.

“Alternative garages are available in the area, owned by the applicant, and will be made available to tenants and private owners of garages.”

Fly-tipped rubbish at the garages behind Mostyn HouseFly-tipped rubbish at the garages behind Mostyn House (Image: Brain Ackroyd)

They add: “It is considered that the loss of garages onsite can be overcome through the availability of replacement garages nearby. This will not therefore result in a loss of parking as a result of the redevelopment.”

Officers also say Silva Homes has told them the site has ‘attracted anti-social behaviour in the past.’ One neighbour, Brian Ackroyd of Hart Close, told the News in April that fly-tipping around the garages had become a ‘nightmare.

But Mr Ackroyd was also against the plans to demolish them. He told the News in April: “The parking here is absolutely chaotic. If they put more houses in there it’s going to be even worse.”

Councillors on Bracknell Forest’s planning committee are set to make a decision on Thursday, June 13.