Residents in Wokingham have been airing their ideas for something that could improve a seating space in the town centre. 

Peach Place, which is off of Peach Street, is a square in the centre of the town that is home to a good number of coffee shops and eateries.

However, many feel that the middle of the square looks empty and obsolete and have been suggesting ideas for what could be put there. 

On a resent post to social media, Andrew Browne shared a photograph with the caption "Sat here in Peach Place having a coffee and thinking. Peach Place needs some sort of feature to break up the concrete. A Bandstand perhaps, what do people think? Any ideas?"

Dozens flocked to the comment section to give their suggestions for what should inhabit that empty space. 

One person said "Maybe three lines of water fountains for the children to cool off and play. The ones that stop when you stand on them with some coloured lights for later in the evening making the fountains of water different colours."

Another person suggested "Bandstand with electric outlets where local musicians and bands can play to the public to get the exposure they may need."

A further person said "How about a nice bench? A real statement piece. Both beautiful and functional. A talking point to create a buzz in the town. That would be wonderful."

However, many expressed that they did not think anything should be put there as the space is often used for events.

One person wrote "I like the option to have extra seating out in the summer. I went to a live music event there a few weekends ago and the space was filled with people and room to dance etc."

In agreement with the previous statement, another person said "All these things take up space and it’s a busy place when there are events on. A few small trees would have been nice though."

Opposing to the previous ideas, a few residents suggested that the space could be used for a memorial.

One person wrote "I said from the start Peach Place should have had a war memorial there that could be visited all year round as well as being the centre of the congregation on Remembrance Sunday.

I know there is one inside the town hall & that’s where the families of the fallen wanted it after WWI but what about the families of those lost in recent times? The town hall has to be open for you to visit but Peach Place doesn’t."