A man has been fined hundreds of pounds after stealing a phone in a theft motivated by 'revenge.'

Aaron Kemp, 26, of Kibble Green, Bracknell, appeared before Reading Crown Court for sentencing today (May 13).

The court heard that, on June 30 last year, Kemp met a man at the Market Inn pub in Bracknell.

The other man invited the defendant back to his house for a party, which went on into the early hours of the morning.

During this time, Kemp drank and took cocaine.

Around 6am, he and the host had a fight - after which he decided to steal the man's phone and a bottle of aftershave.

Prosecuting barrister Carl Wheeler said: "The offence was motivated by revenge. There must have been an element of revenge to this."

The victim attempted to track his phone, but these efforts proved fruitless.

Summing up the case, Recorder John Bate-Williams said: "The phone was never recovered, causing financial loss and some degree of inconvenience."

Kemp was fined £400.

In addition, he was ordered to pay £400 in compensation, £300 in court costs and a victim surcharge.