Drivers could ‘race up’ a country lane where plans to build seven new homes have been proposed, a neighbour has warned.

Plans to build the large houses of at least four bedrooms each on Malt Hill in Warfield have been submitted to Bracknell Forest Council. But one worried neighbour has raised fears over the increase in traffic on the 60 miles per hour(mph) lane.

Joanna Crane told council planning officers the current speed limit of 60mph is ‘dangerously too high’ and suggested that it could be lowered.

She said: “Malt Hill is already a popular cut-through for people heading north to Windsor or Maidenhead, and vice-versa to Bracknell. There is steady volume of traffic traveling at high speed.”

READ MORE: Plans to build houses on countryside blocked by council

Mrs Crane warned that visibility on the lane is ‘severely restricted’ by a slight bend and rise in the road, meaning drivers turning onto it from Church Lane can’t see oncoming cars ‘until the last couple of seconds'.

She said: “Motorists, especially visitors unfamiliar with the road, may exit the proposed site and race up the hill towards the Tjunction with Church Lane, unaware of the restricted visibility.”

She also warned of another ‘especially hazardous' bend in the lane near a bridge over The Cut. She said: “It truly is a blind corner and motorists navigate it at dangerously high speeds, in our opinion putting any approaching pedestrians or equestrians at very high risk.”

However a transport statement submitted with the application says only one crash has been recorded near the site in the past five years.

Plans have not been approved and will need to be examined by council highways officers.