A beautiful new piece of home-made installation art has made its way to Wokingham. 

As our town welcomes in warmer days, one resident or group of people have wowed the community with a brand new post box topper to celebrate.

The new knitted multi coloured topper shows a maypole scene with small figures dancing around the traditional pole. 

One of the small figures sports a crown, indicating that she is probably the 'May Queen.'

The topper is also littered with small lady birds and pink and purple flowers. 

A spokesperson for Wokingham Borough Council said "A MAYPOLE letterbox topper!

"This is an incredible creation, full of wonderful details thank you to those who continue to brighten up the borough in this way."

Who can remember this wonderful tradition from when they grew up? Do you have any fond memories of dancing around the maypole? If so, please comment bellow!