A garden centre near Marlow is to cut back trees which have been damaging lorries visiting the site.

The Toad Hall Garden Centre on Marlow Road is to pollard four hornbeams, cutting them down to 4.5m.

In its planning application, the business says: “Reasons for works are due to the trees encroaching onto the driveway, and damaging delivery lorries regularly using the driveway.”

Buckinghamshire Council planning officers gave permission for the plans to cut back the trees this week.

After considering the application, the council said it had decided not to impose a tree preservation order on the site.

It added that there were no reasons under town planning legislation why the proposed works could not proceed.

However, in their decision notice, planners also said: “This decision is only in respect of the works notified to the authority.”

They added: “If you are proposing any further works you must again notify the council of your intentions.

“If the work is not carried out within two years of your notification referred to in this letter, then it will be necessary for you to give further notice.”

The garden centre must have the work carried out by a qualified tree surgeon.