A policeman has been praised after “unglamorously” finding a stolen motorbike in muddy woods.

The motorbike, hidden in the woods, was recovered earlier this month.

The Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Lomax found the bike, with Acting Police Sergeant (A/PS) Wood-Griffiths delivering the good news to the grateful owner.

A spokesman said: "'We were alerted to an abandoned motorbike in an area of woodland.

"Two pairs of muddy boots later, this bike was found! The number plate had sadly been removed, but deeper checks identified that it had been reported stolen earlier this month.

"Whilst PCSO Lomax was heroically (or rather un-glamorously depending on who you ask) rescuing the bike from the woods, A/PS Wood-Griffiths took a walk to the owner's house to pass on the good news and re-unite them with their lost property, luckily the thief didn't get too far!

"Thank you to the eagle-eyed member of the public who made the report of the out-of-place bike!

Despite the number plate missing, further examination linked the bike to a recent theft report.