A Binfield primary school has been applauded for its ‘exceptional standards’ after an inspection by the education watchdog Ofsted.

Newbold School is an independent nursery and primary school located on Popeswood Road in Bracknell Forest.

Following their Ofsted visit on November 14 to November 16 2023, they were awarded ‘Outstanding’ in their overall effectiveness, leadership and safeguarding.

After gaining a ‘Good’ rating in 2019 from the education inspectorate, the school was thrilled to show their improvement in both the quality of education and the personal development of their students.

The school provides education to children aged between 2 and 11.

Inspectors described the Binfield school as small nurturing and inclusive with deeply embedded Christian Values.

They said: “Pupils are rightly very proud of their school. An exceptional quality of education from Nursery to Year 6 helps them to develop an infectious enthusiasm and thirst for learning. Consequently, they flourish here.”

Staff have been praised for ‘leading by example and instilling a highly positive culture'.

They were found to work extremely closely with parents and carers, who are all fully invested in their children’s education.

The Ofsted report said: “Parents told inspectors that they are very happy with the school. Pupils reported the same and found it difficult to describe what would make it even better.”

Staff at Newbold School said that they have worked tirelessly alongside governors towards this incredible success with unstinting belief in the quality of what the school has to offer its pupils.

The children’s excellent behaviour was remarked upon several times during the inspection and in the final report remarking that the ‘Pupils’ behavior is exemplary.

Head inspector, Shaun Jarvis commented: “In lessons and at social times, pupils show great levels of self-confidence and respect.”

Headteacher Mrs J Crissey said: “Our passion and dedication was commended many times during the inspection. Above all, a respectful and nurturing atmosphere was recognised as being at the heart of Newbold School. Our inspector told us that he could feel the supportive environment throughout the visit.” 

Forest School lessons are taught weekly in the woods around Newbold College. This feature of the school impressed the inspectors enormously, particularly the benefits gained from it in Early Years, led by Mrs. Mel Jennings, Deputy Head and Early Years’ Manager.

Throughout the entire school, Newbold pupils’ attitude and love of learning was commended.