A serial bike thief and shoplifter has been brought to justice after being caught on CCTV footage at Wokingham council’s headquarters.

The 20-year-old Wokingham man appeared in Reading Magistrates Court on Tuesday, November 7 where he pleaded guilty to two counts of bike thefts and five counts of thefts at nearby Co-ops.

The police connected the thief to other shoplifting offences after he was recognised on the council's CCTV.

The man was sentenced to an 18-month community order and 200 hours of unpaid work. He has also been ordered to pay compensation to his victims.

The bike, which was stolen on Saturday, June 10 was in a secure storage area to be used at the Wokingham bikeathon by the council’s active cycle team.

Cllr Ian Shenton, executive member for environment, sport and leisure, said: "We're proud of how officers from several of our teams worked together to help the police secure this offender's conviction.

"We really want more of our residents to cycle and walk where they can, and we're working hard to make this safer and more attractive, but we know the risk of bike theft puts some people off so we’re determined to help crack down on it.

"We're also incredibly thankful to our partners in Thames Valley Police for their prompt action and hope this gives residents confidence that they will act when crimes of this nature are reported.”

The other crimes to which he was connected included thefts from the Co-op Food store in Beechey Place, Wokingham town, on 19, 20 and 25 July, and from the Co-op Food store in London Road, Wokingham town, on 10 and 21 September.

He also stole a bike from the Carnival Hub community centre, in Wokingham town, on 2 June.