Jayne Streak has been introduced by Wokingham Borough Council as the Project Manager for the Friendship Alliance Scheme. The organisation helps to promote friendship and reduce the impact of loneliness and isolation for the older generation.

Jayne Streak said: “We all experience times when we're struggling or not coping as well as we usually do, or where our circumstances and life events make things more difficult and challenging.”

The Friendship Alliance is an initiative funded by the Better Care Fund that brings together four local non-profit organisations.

Those organisations are the Link Visiting Scheme, Age UK Berkshire, Involve Community Services, and the Wokingham Volunteer Centre.

 The Friendship Alliance seeks to develop new ideas to tackle loneliness and improve the mental and physical well-being of Wokingham residents.

Jayne Streak’s role is to help people be more active. She has developed a calendar of Friendship Tables where residents can come along, meet new people, and make new friends.