There are works to several listed buildings in this week’s roundup of planning decisions and applications in Bracknell and Wokingham.

You can view each one by going to the relevant council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: Listed building in Winkfield (23/00525/LB)

A coach house on the grounds of a listed building in Winkfield is to be demolished and replaced.

The work will take place at The Vale, an early nineteenth century mansion on Woodside Lane. Although the house itself is Grade 2 listed, its associated outbuildings are not.

Planning officers approved plans to demolish the current two storey coach house and replace it with a single storey one.

Bracknell Forest: Cottages at golf course (23/00333/LB)

A collection of listed buildings within the Downshire Golf Complex are to be renovated and get new windows.

The cottages are Grade 2 listed and were built in the early eighteenth century. The inside is to be re-worked to bring an annexe back into the main building, while new French doors will be installed and other windows replaced.

Wokingham Borough: Outbuilding in Sonning (231847)

Plans to build a large outbuilding for a house on Pound Lane in Sonning have been refused.

Mr Azam Banaras wanted a two storey building that would house a four-car garage on the ground floor and a game room, gym and bathroom on the first floor.

But council planning officers ruled the building would be too large. They said: “The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the host property and the suburban area by reason of its size, scale, bulk, massing and design, resulting a building that would not appear as an ancillary outbuilding but rather a separate dominant entity in the grounds of a residential dwelling.”

Wokingham Borough: Fifteenth century house in Sonning (232278)

A timber-framed, fifteenth century building needs conservation work done. Owners of The Old Cottage on Pearson Road have applied for permission to carry out sensitive cleaning work to the timber and brickwork and structural repairs.

A report by restoration company Heritage House says: “”The property was thought to date back to the 15th century with numerous later alterations.

“It is clear that it started as timber-framed medieval hall house, with significant work carried probably carried out in the 17th or early 18th centuries to add fireplaces and chimneys, install glazed windows and replace many walls in brick.”