A hot food takeaway at a former bank, supported living apartments, and solar panels on a primary school are in this week’s roundup of planning applications and decisions in Bracknell and Wokingham.

You can view each one by going to the relevant council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: Takeaway in former Barclays bank (23/00551/FUL)

The former site of a Barclays bank on High Street, Crowthorne, could become a Domino’s Pizza if Bracknell Forest Council grants it planning permission.

The building has been empty since Barclay’s left in 2020. Now developers Pegasus Planning Group want permission to use the building for a hot food takeaway.

Bracknell Forest Council refused a previous application in May this year on the grounds that its provisions for parking and access for vehicles were unsatisfactory and have an “unacceptable impact on highway safety.”

Developers are in the process of appealing the decision. But they have also submitted a new application with changes. These include a widened ramp and access to the cycle store at the rear of the building, two retractable bollards to the lay-by in front of the building, and a “no customer parking” sign.

Bracknell Forest: supported living apartments (23/00359/3)

Bracknell Forest Council is set to build new block of flats for people with learning disabilities is set to be built at the Bridgewell Centre in Bracknell.

The flats will include four apartments for twenty residents, with each apartment housing five people. Each flat will also have a shared kitchen, a communal dining area and lounge and an assisted bathroom.

There will also be a sensory garden and overnight accommodation for staff. The flats were granted planning permission on Thursday, September 7.

Bracknell Forest: solar panels at primary school (23/00489/PAS)

Solar panels will be installed on the flat roof of Ascot Heath primary school after getting the okay from planning officers.

Officers ruled that prior permission was not required to fit the panels at the school in Ascot.

Wokingham Borough: Horticultural garden (231672)

It is lawful to use an office in Earley for a taxi hire business, Wokingham Borough Council has ruled.

Mr Sikandar Hayat of Promptcars applied for a certificate of lawfulness to use Suite 148, Regus House, 400 Thames Valley Park for his taxi hire business.

Council officers ruled that, as the suite was already an office, its use for a taxi hire business does not constitute development.