A new housing development in Binfield and toilets for Shinfield Tennis Club are in this week’s roundup of planning decisions and applications in Bracknell and Wokingham.

You can view each one by going to the relevant council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: More homes at Amen Corner (23/00590/OBS)

An application to build 45 residential buildings along with natural green space at Amen Corner North in Binfield has been submitted to Bracknell Forest Council.

Documents revealing the identity of the housing developer, as well as proposed plans, were not available on Bracknell Forest Council’s website at the time of writing.

But it comes less than a month after the council’s planning committee granted permission to plans for a 305-home neighbourhood at nearby Amen Corner South.

Bracknell Forest: Outdoor pools in Winkfield and Ascot (23/00460/CLPUD and 23/00258/FUL)

It would be lawful to build an outdoor pool and associated outhouse at at Blackthorn Cottage on Chawridge Lane in Winkfield, council planning officers have ruled.

Council officers said this would be lawful as it “would constitute development incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse.”

And they also granted permission for an outdoor pool with a heat pump at Consort House, Prince Consort Drive, in Ascot.

Bracknell Forest: ‘Aesthetic clinic’ in Ascot (23/00337/FUL)

An office in Ascot could become an “aesthetic clinic” after council officers said it would not need planning permission.

Dr Anna Puri applied for permission to change the use of 2 Cheapside Court from an office to an “aesthetic clinic.” Council officers ruled that as these both fall into the same planning category, no planning permission would be needed, and granted approval.

Wokingham Borough: Toilet block at Shinfield Tennis Club (231684)

Shinfield Tennis Club is to get a toilet block after getting planning permission – although it will still need to submit drainage plans before construction goes ahead.

A planning statement on behalf of the club said: “Tennis sessions last for 2-3 hours and can represent strenuous exercise, obviously players have refreshment breaks between games and it’s a reasonable requirement to occasionally require a comfort break.

“The absence of WC facilities at the club is proving restrictive. Clearly an appropriate WC provision at such an established facility is a reasonable requirement.”

Wokingham Borough: Yoga studio at listed house (232118)

A couple have applied for permission to build a gym and yoga studio at Wargrave Court on Station Road in Wargrave.

The studio would be an outbuilding on the large grounds of the house, which is a listed building.