A care home in Bracknell invited the community to a barking mad event.

On Friday 25th August, from 2pm-4pm, Care UK’s Bickerton House hosted a Canine Café, where members of the community and their furry friends enjoyed puppy-themed treats and drinks.

The event was inspired by the positive impact that animal visits have had on care home residents' wellbeing, as well as their longing for the company of their own pets from years past.

Dogs in the care home not only encourage residents to spend time outdoors, leading to physical benefits, but also contribute to improved wellbeing.

The Canine Café aims to promote social interaction and lift people's moods through the powerful bond between humans and animals.

Carl Francis, Home Manager at Bickerton House, expressed excitement about the event and encouraged everyone, dog owners or not, to attend and experience the benefits of this unique gathering.

The Canine Café will offer plenty of fuss and playtime for the four-legged guests, including an agility course in the garden for the most energetic dogs to showcase their skills.