Repeated attempts to open a commercial barn in Binfield, a garage at The Sterling Centre, and temporary classrooms in Shinfield are in this week’s roundup of planning decisions and applications in Bracknell and Wokingham.

You can view each one by going to the relevant council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: Commercial barn in Binfield (22/01009/FUL)

Permission to use a barn for commercial use has been refused for a second time on the grounds that it is inappropriate development on green space land.

Mr David Bertie applied for retrospective permission to change the use of a “barn-style building” at Mare Lane Farm from agricultural to commercial purposes.

Agents from ET Planning argued that the council had already granted permission to a previous application, but that problems found with the structure of the previous barn meant it had to be demolished and rebuilt.

READ MORE: Three new housing developments proposed across Bracknell

But planning officers had also refused a previous application in 2019 on the grounds that the increased traffic to the site would make the change inappropriate development on green belt land. A government planning inspector then upheld the decision after an appeal.

Mr Bertie submitted his new application in December last year, and planning officers refused it on Thursday, August 17.

They said the plans would “have a detrimental impact upon the open and rural character of the green belt.”

Bracknell Forest: Vehicle repair garage at The Sterling Centre (23/00483/FUL)

A new vehicle repair garage with electric charging points could open at The Sterling Centre if Bracknell Forest Council grants planning permission.

Mr Mark O’Keefe wants permission to change the use of units two and three at the business park from B1 – which is for light industry such as offices and shops – to B2, which covers garages.

His application form indicates that council officers have advised the plans will be acceptable if he can show the garage includes 52 parking spaces.

Wokingham Borough: Temporary classrooms at Crosfields School (231207)

There will be five temporary classrooms and a toilet block at Crosfields School on Shinfield Road while expansion works take place.

The five units will be placed on land next to the senior school, on the site of an already demolished building. They’ll be wrapped in wood-patterned vinyl to blend in with the surroundings, and also provide space to play outside.

Wokingham Borough Council’s planning committee approved work to extend the private school in February 2020.