HUNDREDS of Bracknell residents came together for an annual Hindu event to celebrate “vibrant Telugu community”.

Around 400 people attended the UTHO’s Parivar Shubir 2023 event, held on Sunday, July 2 at Garth Hill College in Bracknell.

United Kingdom Telugu Hindu Organisation (UTHO) is a non-profit, socio-cultural organisation that brings together Telugu speaking community of Hindu heritage in the United Kingdom.

The groups vision is to “build a vibrant Telugu community that embodies Universal Hindi values” that include “righteousness, service and inclusivity”.

The day-long celebration was packed with fun-filled activities centred around the theme of "Sakthi" - which means power.

Participants joined in with various games and issues affecting the community.

Career Connect, a panel discussion providing career advice was particularly well received by the students.

The event gave guests the chance to learn about UTHO’s initiatives and ways to get involved for making a difference to the community’s social life in the UK.