The Bracknell Labour party has mourned the loss of one of its founding members.

Dr Roy Bailey, chairman of the Bracknell Labour Party, announced the tragic news.

He said: “It is my very sad duty to report the death today of Jack Delbridge, a former Labour stalwart in Bracknell and loyal member of the Labour Party.  Jack had been unwell for months with cancer but he fought the disease with his typical stoicism.

“Jack lived in Little Sandhurst until about five years ago, when he moved with his wife, Anne, to Worthing in Sussex.

“He will be well known to Bracknell residents from the 1970s and 1980s, as the Bracknell Labour Party began to take shape.

“He won his first seat in Bullbrook in May 1973, at the inaugural election of Bracknell District Council.

“He became chairman of the Leisure Committee during the 1973 to 1976 Labour administration and, in May 1979, replaced Bill Lindop as the leader of the Labour Group on the District Council.

“With Anne Shillcock, he was one of the founding fathers of the local Labour Party.

“Apart from a brief dalliance with the SDP in 1981, Jack has been a loyal and supportive member of the Labour Party.

“On this very sad day, we extend our deepest sympathies to his wife and family.  RIP, Jack and thank you for all that you have done.”