A plan for hundreds of homes that would bridge the gap between Bracknell and Wokingham off the main road has been put forward.

Persimmon Homes has applied to build 302  homes at Amen Corner, on land between London Road and the A329(M). The plan appears to be nearly five years old.

Documents for the proposed development were first submitted in March 2018, but numerous adaptations meant that it is still pending.

Back in June 2018, the developers were proposing to build 422 homes, but Bracknell Forest Council’s planning department requested more time to determine the application.

This led Persimmon Homes to conduct a number of extensive revisions to the plan, primarily with a reduction down to 302 homes according to design update submitted in September 2022.

Of those, 226 would be on the private market and 76 would be affordable, broken down into 23 shared ownership, 32 affordable rent and 21 social rented properties.

The development would comprise of a mix of 190 houses and 112 apartments contained within 11 apartment blocks.

READ MORE: Bracknell developments coming in 2023 include more than 400 homes

Yet more designs were filed by Persimmon Homes as recently as the end of January, which consisted of sketches of house types.

As well as the homes, Persimmon has also applied to build a three-storey tall commercial unit with parking and a building for residential and retail use to the north east of the site.

Vehicular access would be provided from London Road, with a spine road linking the development with Beehive Road, Cain Road and John Nike Way.

The site has been allocated for development in the Bracknell Forest Local Plan from 2013, designated Policy SA8.

According to the Local Plan, the site is allocated for 725 homes, a neighbourhood centre and a primary school.

Bracknell News: The design principles for the development at Amen Corner South in the Bracknell Forest Local Plan 2013. Credit: Bracknell Forest CounciThe design principles for the development at Amen Corner South in the Bracknell Forest Local Plan 2013. Credit: Bracknell Forest Counci

The development also stretches across the border with Wokingham Borough, with an area far to the west of the site being proposed as public green space falling in the neighbouring borough’s jurisdiction.

A letter submitted by Wokingham Borough Council’s planning department supported the principle of new green space being created, but raised questions over Persimmon Homes’ traffic modelling of the cross junction between London Road, John Nike Way and Russell Chase.

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You can view the application by typing reference 18/00242/OUT into Bracknell Forest Council’s planning portal.

Those in Wokingham Borough can comment on the application by typing reference 180711 into that borough’s planning portal.

No expiry date for the application has been set yet, so it is unclear when it will be determined by Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee.