A BRACKNELL pub has been recognised for the team's commitment to good beer after landing themselves in the ‘Good Beer Guide’ for the 24th consecutive year.  

The guide, printed by CAMRA each year, outlines selected pubs across the UK that have been voted for their consistent dedication to customer service, quality, and dedication to real ale.

The Old Manor, located on Grenville Place in Bracknell, was presented with a certificate by chairman Kevin Lenton this month to celebrate over two decades of dedication.

Manager Mike Daly said: “We are so pleased that we were recognised for this after all these years in the guide.

“The pub has changed managers many, many times over the years and the fact that it has made it into the ‘Good Beer Guide’ consecutively through all the different managers is a testament to everyone’s dedication to real ale.

“The selection that we offer and the training that we provide our staff to condition the ale have played a big part.

“One of the things that the guide judges you on is serving consistently good beer. We have a good selection of ale on tap all the time. There is a minimum of nine ales, six being guest ales from around the country and three are standard house ales.”

“Being a part of the Wetherspoons group means that we have a central distribution point for ale around the country. It allows us to get ales from as far away as Wales and Scotland quite easily.”

The presentation night took place at The Old Manor where members of CAMRA met to taste some good beer and celebrate the pubs latest achievement.

Both the chairman Kevin Lenton and the secretary Anthony Springall were on hand to present Mike and the staff with the certificate.

Anthony explained: "The presentation night was fantastic.

“All credit to Mike and his team, and also his predecessors. The Old Manor has been in the ‘Good Beer Guide’ for 24 consecutive years which an achievement that very, very few pubs actually ever achieve.

“Within the southeast of Berkshire, it’s the only pub that’s been in for 10 consecutive years.”

He added: “The people vote for them on the basis of good beer, extremely well priced beer and a fantastic atmosphere.

“Each year the local branch which covers the South East of Berkshire has ten places available in the guide that’s published by CAMRA. There are 96 pubs that are eligible and the Old Manor has been consistently good and beaten them all for over two decades.”

As a Wetherspoons-managed pub, The Old Manor benefits from central distribution of all their real ales which allows them access to many guest ales from up and down the country, including Scotland and Wales.

Wetherspoons spokesman Eddie Gershon said: “The Old Manor has an excellent reputation for the quality of its ales.

“We are delighted that its inclusion in CAMRA Good Beer Guide for 24 consecutive years has been marked with the award.

“Staff work hard to ensure that beer is kept and served in first-class condition at all times. The pub serves a good range of beers at all times including beers from local brewers.

“It also hosts two beer festivals each year, giving customers the opportunity to enjoy beers not usually available in the pub, including those from overseas brewers.”