According to new data 56 per cent of smokers in the Bracknell Forest area have successfully quit.

The data, released by Haypp looks at the rate of successfully quitters throughout the UK, comparing all of the cities around the UK based on the success rate for quitting smoking as well as government expenditure.

The research found that the age group with the best chance of quitting in Bracknell Forest was 18-34.

Markus Lindblad, from Haypp, said: “Following UK government guidance, those who reduce the amount they smoke are more likely to stop smoking eventually."

The proportion of smokers in England has been falling for many years - while 19.8 per cent of the population were smokers in 2011, this number had fallen to 13.9 per cent by 2019.

This trend is expected to continue downwards to 2.5 per cent by 2050, according to the government.