Developers have put forward plans to build 45 new homes in a rural area of Binfield. 

Bloor Homes & Sharon and Howard Millet are looking to build the development, as well as green spaces, on land at the junction of Forest Road and Wood Lane. 

The 1.85-hectare site is a flat grassland field, which was previously used as a temporary construction access during the development of adventure golf facility, Golfplex. 

The exact number of homes, the mix of homes and types of tenure would be determined at a later stage, but initial proposals include plans for 35 per cent affordable housing.  

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Public open space and a play area would be provided within the site, as well as pedestrian and cycle links to the eastern site boundary with Wood Lane, providing access to King’s Academy and to the south. 

During the public consultation process, the 32 participants were asked for comments about the proposals that would be considered by the developer. 

Results revealed that 14 respondents expressed opposition to the idea of development and four others believed the site was never designated for housing. Ten didn’t respond to the question. 

In response, Bloor Homes said the site has been assessed as part of the emerging Local Plan and is considered “a suitable and sustainable location for development”. 

The council’s planning team will now decide on the proposals.