A ‘cramped and unsightly’ development of four new homes in Sandhurst will go ahead after being approved by Bracknell Forest Council. 

The plan to build the three-bedroom properties on Richmond Road in College Town, following the demolition of the existing two-bedroom bungalow, went before Thursday’s planning committee having received nine objections against the application. 

Resident Lee Sawyer said the proposed development would be considered “unsightly from both a visual and audible perspective”, suggesting adding more properties “in such a confined area” would damage the streets aesthetics.    

These sentiments were echoed by Sandhurst Town Council, which recommended refusal of the application. It suggested the “cramped development” would be “out of keeping” with the existing pattern of development in the area and would be “detrimental” to neighbouring amenities.   

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Other objections lodged against the application related to drainage issues, a loss of privacy and highway safety concerns.   

Lynn O’Guynn described the plan as “totally unacceptable” due to the houses being positioned close to her boundary fence affecting her privacy.  

“They will completely overlook us and will be able to see straight into our kitchen,” she added. 

Despite this, the development had been recommended for approval by the borough council’s planning officer and was subsequently given the green light by councillors with seven votes in favour of approval and three against. 

Cllr Ray Mossom was one of those that did not support the plan, he felt putting four houses on this type of plot constituted “overdevelopment”. 

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Chair of the planning committee, Cllr Colin Dudley, disputed this by noting that the dwellings per hectare is “well below” what is standard for the area and praised the officer for a “good job” on the application.    

The highways issues related to concerns regarding whether the width of the proposed new access would be sufficient for emergency vehicles. This was alleviated when Highways officer Andy Wells confirmed it to be adequate. 

The vice-chair of the committee, Cllr Michael Brossard, believed the development proposal made “effective use” of the plot. However, he did seek to introduce a condition to approval relating to construction hours as it is in a residential area. 

This condition was agreed to, meaning the building works will be restricted to between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, whilst work is prohibited from taking place on Sundays and bank holidays. 

The site is also the subject of a separate application for temporary consent to position four mobile homes at the address for the duration of six months.