For this week’s Bracknell Nostalgia, we are going back to June 1973 to remind ourselves of a time when a woman from Chelsea lost her pet pigeon, which happened to find itself in Berkshire.

Amanda Fielding, who owned Birdie (the pigeon’s name), was devastated to discover that her winged friend had left her home in West London.

Hoping to find ‘her mate’, she appealed to news channels across the region for information on weather Birdie had been spotted or found.

Incredibly, she was able to relocate the bird at the start of June that year, in which she was asked to speak about the episode on the BBC.

Interviewed by the late Bob Wellings (who died in March this year at the age of 87), Ms Fielding was asked if she was sure that the returning bird was her much-loved Birdie, in which she responded without hesitation, ‘absolutely, yes.’

She continued: From his description, London pigeons all look the same so one can’t tell.

“But Mr Elson, who found him, rang up and said that he has found this pigeon that was on my washing line when I was putting it up.

“When I moved, he moved, and when I said that ‘I wonder if you’re the lost pigeon, Birdie, he jumped with delight and jumped on Mr Elson’s shoulder.

“They went into together and watched television all night!

“From that behaviour, I could tell that was him.”

Revealing that she lost Birdie ‘after taking him to a territory he wasn’t familiar with’, in what her ‘exceptional circumstances’, Ms Fielding told the BBC that she didn’t expect the bird to get lost now he had been returned.

During the interview, the pigeon was patted and stroke in which you can her a coo come the animal, in which the owner confirmed that ‘it was the noise he makes when he is very happy’, and that if he doesn’t have ‘any attention’, he will make himself known.

It was also revealed during the news piece that a movie about the experience, but nothing came this.