The formal announcement of the King’s reign to the people of Bracknell will take place today (September 11).

The event will take place in Bond Square at 2pm.

The official announcement of the new King, known formally as the proclamation of His Present Majesty, will be read by the Mayor of the Borough of Bracknell Forest, Cllr Ankur Shiv Bhandari.

READ MORE: Will schools close for the Queen’s funeral? Full plans revealed for monarch’s funeral

Members of the public are invited to attend the reading.

The Mayor will be accompanied by the Leader of Bracknell Forest Council, Cllr Paul Bettison OBE and the Chief Executive, Timothy Wheadon.

Bracknell News:

Invited guests include elected members of the council, freemen of the borough, honorary aldermen, past mayors, the mayor’s chaplain, the coroner, the honorary recorder, borough police and fire commanders, deputy lieutenant, parish and town mayors and their clerks.