A heart-broken Bracknell man has reached out to members of the community after the death of his beloved uncle has left his grandparents in dire need.

Keagan Morini, ages 26, moved to Bracknell at aged six when his parents decided to relocate from South Africa to start a new life. Although being far away from his extended family the bond has always stayed strong throughout the years.

Four weeks ago, Rory Goldhilll was a healthy 42 year old man who was helping his parents get by in Cape Town after the difficulty of the last few years.

Suspected TB has claimed his life, making him the last of four siblings to pass away prematurely.

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Keagan said: “Rory had such an outgoing and cheerful character who was loved by everyone. Covid really hit everyone hard so during that time he rented a house and moved my grandparents in with him.

“Now that he has passed away they now have to move out of their house with the added financial pressures.

“I’m sure you’d agree that the last thing of their minds should be the financial pressure’s of Rory’s loss which is why I am doing everything I can to give a little help.”

So far, the Go Fund Me Page has raised £1,652 which is over double the target. Donations and tributes have been left from people all over the world who knew either Rory or Keagan.

The Bracknell lad added: “It is incomprehensible and unfathomable that my grandparents have lost four children and now they seem to be losing their home so every little penny means so much more.

"I am really shocked and profoundly grateful to all those who have donated already. It just goes to show the number of friends he has and the amount of people he has touched throughout his life.

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"When I started the Crowdfunder I really had no expectations about how much we would get. I just wanted to help them as much as possible and try to get them on their feet again.”

Keagan travelled to Cape Town this weekend for the memorial ceremony on Saturday, June 18. While he is there, he is helping his grandparents with the move and sorting through Rory’s personal possessions.

Keagan, who is an IT Consultant at a Marketing firm in Maidenhead said that ‘any help would be greatly appreciated but if you are unable to please share this post for anyone that might be able to help.’

If you wish to donate to Rory’s Go Fund Me page click here.