Almost one month following the disappearance of a Cockerpoo dog in Hurst a fresh appeal has been issued after additional CCTV footage has come to light.

Maple, the Cockerpoo was spotted being ‘taken away in a blue car’ at around 3:22pm on March 21 in Hogmoor Lane, Twyford leaving owners ‘utterly distraught’.

On the social media page dedicated to finding the lost Cockerpoo, an update was posted last night.

Admin posted: “Additional CCTV footage of the dark coloured/black SAAB using HINTON ROAD - BROADWATER LANE - HOGMOOR LANE and returning HOGMOOR LANE - BROADWATER LANE - HINTON ROAD ~1526-1530hrs.”

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People who live in the area have been asked to kindly review CCTV, doorbell cameras and DashCam to look for this vehicle of interest on all roads surrounding Hinton Road and potentially on to Waltham Road (B3018) and beyond, on the afternoon of Monday, March 21.

At the time, a police investigation begun to catch the four men who were believed to have stolen the dog.

Thames Valley Police have stated: “There are no updates at this stage, the investigation is still currently on going.”

Surrey Police has also joined Thames Valley Police in the hunt for Maple and have taken a proactive stance in a recent raid. They have been locating stolen dogs through their pioneering 'Operation Collar,'