St GEORGE'S School in Ascot has announced the appointment of a new director of marketing.

Felicity Cooper joined the school this month on Thursday, March 10 to the role of director of marketing and external communications, a new position to complement the work of director of admissions, Kerry Bertram and her team.

Prior to joining the School, Felicity ran her own management consultancy firm specialising in Marketing and People related commissions.

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Before starting her own business, she was Head of Marketing Operations at the University of Reading, prior to which she enjoyed a long career with the John Lewis Partnership.

The school said Felicity has quickly made a home within the school, and immersed herself fully in life at St George’s.

Ms Cooper has shared her ambitions for her team at St George’s in the months ahead.

She said: 'I'm particularly proud to have taken up this appointment in such an accomplished school, and am already suitably impressed by the girls, as well as the professionalism and dedication of my colleagues.

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"I am looking forward to us further drawing out the distinctive nature of our School, its talented body of staff across all aspects of school life, and the multifaceted opportunities this winning combination delivers to our girls, now and in the future. ‘Working in education is inspirational."

"I believe all staff working in schools, colleges or universities, are influential in supporting the young people entrusted to them, to take advantage of the best academic, co-curricular and pastoral experiences possible, whilst equipping them to shape and define their future pathways. I see this ethos running strongly throughout St George's."

Felicity hopes to develop the marketing strategy at the school to make St George's stand out against competiting schools.

As well as this, her role will play a vital part in attracting and recruiting students to learn at the school.

Felicity added; "The skill in doing this well will mean carefully balancing the ways in which we communicate the heritage and legacy of the school, with the exciting futures and options presented by accessing the world in a diverse range of ways attained through a St George’s education. 

"Through effective Marketing and External Communications, we aim to support good connections between school life and the girls’ families."