Quite possibly known as one of Bracknell’s most beautiful streets during the month of December, only known to those lucky enough to be in the general vicinity, this journalist is going to let this little piece of heaven out of the bag.

Kingfisher Chase, a tranquil little community between Bracknell and Wokingham, has been lit up again this Christmas by the enthusiastic, charitable and competitive residents in the neighbourhood.

As the street comes into view on the cold and frosty evening, it almost feels like you have walked straight into a Christmas card.

Bracknell News:

The lights twinkling so bright that the street gives out an almost ethereal glow and an eery silence hangs in the air. The urge to whisper so great as to not disturb the Christmas magic and fairy dust that can be seen sparkly on frosty evenings.

Illuminated arches lead to front doors decorated with garlands and visitors to the area can be seen grabbing that ever important Instagram photo in front of the most magical of houses.

People from miles around can be spotted admiring the array of lights, some coming as far away as Hong Kong and Ireland to admire the spectacle with family and friends.

Bracknell News:

Speaking to one of the residents, they explained that over the years some houses in the neighbourhood have grown competitive over their stunning lights. And boy, does it show!

One must wonder how some lights are constructed and when the preparation for Christmas begins.

As the journey down the brightly lit streets continues, one might miss the house cleverly hidden away at the very back of the neighbourhood, and what a shame that would be.

In contrast to the magic of the Christmas card lane, it feels that all that is needed is the sound of electric dance music to coordinate with the multi-coloured flashing lights located around the windows and doors. Perfect for that Christmas day street party I would say!

Bracknell News:

Over the last few years, the residents have taken the lights to a new level and begun raising money for charity in conjunction with their light display. Signs can be seen set low within the illuminated bushes with QR codes ready for visitors to donate to their two chosen charities this festive season.

Bracknell News:

With over £900 raised last year, their commitment to help others during this time of year is only matched by their enthusiasm to turn the Close into Bracknell’s very own winter wonderland.