UP to two thousand new homes could be built at Jealott’s Hill in Warfield in the form of a new ‘garden village’, fresh building plans from Bracknell Forest Council have revealed.

The authority’s updated draft local plan — which sets out its building policies and proposals up to 2036 — has slashed the number of homes earmarked for the site down from the 4,000 touted in the 2019 version of the document.

Jealotts Hill in Warfield could soon be home to 4,000 homes if plans are pushed forward

Jealott's Hill in Warfield could soon be home to 4,000 homes if plans are pushed forward

The 240-hectare site, which is owned by multi-national chemicals company Syngenta, will also get a new science park, a country park and other community facilties, according to new plans.

Bracknell Forest Council has changed its plans for Jealott’s Hill in light of opposition to the original plans with many residents upset at the release of green-belt land for the development.

READ MORE: How original plan for homes at Jealott's Hill looked

Now, the proposal will include:

  • 2,000 homes over 240 hectares
  • The amount of land to be ‘taken out’ of the green belt will be reduced from 170 hectares to 116, meaning just over 50 per cent of the site (124 hectares) will remain in the green belt
  • Eight new traveller pitches
  • One primary school
The outline for the original plan for 4,000 homes at Jealotts Hill

The outline for the original plan for 4,000 homes at Jealott's Hill

  • A Science and Innovation park for Syngenta
  • A neighbourhood centre and a convenience store
  • Publicly accessible green space which will include sports pitches, play areas, tree planting and country parks on the east and west of the new homes.
  • 700 affordable homes
  • Specialist housing for older people

It is estimated that housing could start to be built in 2027/2028, with around 1,350 homes complete by 2036.

A full project completion date is tipped for 2042.

READ MORE: Campaigners prepare for 4,000 homes Jealott's Hill legal battle

Cllr Chris Turrell, Bracknell Forest Council’s planning boss, said: “The inclusion of a new Garden Village at Jealott’s Hill provides the opportunity to design a sustainable exemplar low carbon development, supporting key employment sectors and meeting housing needs whilst providing extensive areas of accessible green space for new and existing residents to enjoy.

Jealotts Hill in Warfield could soon be home to 4,000 homes if plans are pushed forward

Jealott's Hill in Warfield could soon be home to 4,000 homes if plans are pushed forward

“The Executive will consider if we should move forward to the next stage in preparing the Local Plan at its meeting later this month.

“This would involve asking residents for any more final feedback on the draft plan before submitting it to the Government later this year alongside any comments received during the consultation.”

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