A woman has had to rush her dog to the vets after he ate sausages with nails hidden inside.

The owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, was walking her dog in Dinton Pastures Country Park, Wokingham where the incident happened.

READ MORE: Park rangers investigate area after dog finds sausages with nails inside 

Her Afghan Hound Azaar found a pile of pigs in blankets near to Sandford Lake.

Bracknell News:

Azaar had to be rushed to the vets for urgent veterinary care after digesting the nails.

The dog has since passed away.

She said: "People are monsters. It's unfair to harm any living creature and for those monsters this might be "just a dog" but for me he is my whole world.

"This dog helps me every single day live as normal as possible."

Azaar's owner has picked up all of the sausages she could find to prevent the same happening to other dogs.

However, there could be more pigs in blankets hidden around the park so pet owners are being warned.

Dinton Pastures is usually a safe place for her to walk her dog Azaar, but she warned residents to be aware.