GOOGLE is using location data gathered from phones to help public health officials understand how people’s movements have changed in response to the global coronavirus pandemic.

The reports use data from people who have opted in to storing their location history with Google to help illustrate the degree to which people are adhering to government instructions.

READ ALSO: Scientists warn of new symptom that could mean you have Covid-19.

The Covid-19 Community Mobility Report dated September 27 looks at data for Bracknell Forest between Sunday, August 16, and Sunday, September 27.

The data shows there has been a rise in the number of people visiting parks (an 11 per cent increase compared to the baseline).

Visits to residential areas has also increased by 4 per cent compared to the baseline.

Fewer people are visiting retail and recreation which has seen a 35 per cent drop compared to the baseline.

Supermarket and pharmacy visits has also dropped by 19 per cent.

READ ALSO: H&M, which has stores in Reading and Bracknell, plans to close 250 branches.

The data comes as prime minister Boris Johnson introduced the 'rule of six', as well as other restrictions on social gatherings and travel.

The law means that no more than six people can meet in a group, both indoors and outdoors.

Gatherings of more than six people are now illegal.