A CONSULTATION on school transport and travel policies has been launched this week by the Wokingham Borough Council (WBC).

The news follows the council's plan to devise a new strategy to save money on school travel expenses, while improving the services for students in the Wokingham borough who rely on it most.

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Aside from allowing students living miles away from their school to be able to attend, the school transport services are also essential to many student residents in the borough with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), or students that are otherwise considered extremely vulnerable.

Cllr UllaKarin Clark, the council’s executive member for children’s services said: “We know how important this is for many families in the borough.

"We are doing our best to maintain and even improve our home to school and travel assistance services for eligible children and young people while ensuring the service is cost effective and sustainable into the future.

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"If you have a child or young person who is eligible for home to school transport, particularly for children with special educational needs and disabilities, this is the time for you to give us your views on our proposals – these are our initial proposals and we are seeking your views to help us produce the final policies."

The WBC is seeking to propose two draft policies designed to maintain the services provided "in a financially sustainable way." The consultation period ends on November 6. For more information, visit wokingham.gov.uk/news-and-consultation/consultation-and-having-your-say/current-consultations/.