IT was the speech that we had all been waiting for.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation at 7pm last night on where we are with the coronavirus lockdown, and it's left people with mixed reactions.

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Some wanted to know whether the UK lockdown will be extended, if the self-employed can start working and what will happen to key workers with children at home who need childminders.

The Bracknell News asked readers what their thoughts were on Boris' update and if they feel reassured or more confused.

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In our poll conducted on Sunday morning, 188 people voted and 73 per cent of you said you "felt nervous" as it was "too soon for any change" to the lockdown.

27 per cent of you said you couldn't wait to hear what the update was.

Here's what readers think:

Karen Jolly commented on our Facebook post and said: "Clear enough to me. What we have been doing has made a difference but we are not there yet so let's carry on, if you can work safely and are able then do so, if not stay home."

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Richard Hind added: "He is trying to ease the public back in to a "nearer normal" way of life and slowly ignite the economy now the NHS has headroom to look after critically ill people. Look after yourselves, act as if you are a carrier of the disease and treat others as if they might be infected. Common sense is required."

Some residents didn't quite get the speech and found it 'confusing' with the new government slogan of 'stay alert, control the virus, save lives'.

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Matthew Stratford said: "Shambles utter shambles, does this mean we can now go to the beach? and Courtney Lee Peck added: "We need clarity about nursery schools/childminders. How can people go to work if their children are at home?"

Emma Retter also said: "Not clear enough. What difference is being ‘alert’ going to do when you can carry/have the virus but have no symptoms?

"Letting people out for unlimited exercise is not going to keep the R rate down. More people out=less chance of social distancing. (Especially if the sun is shining)"