PUPILS have been returning to school this week after a long summer break and for many, it has been the first day of big school.

Charters School in Sunningdale started their first academic term yesterday (September 3) and welcomed their new intake of year 7 students.

Other students returning back to school started their first day today, with year 11 prefect mentors showing the youngsters around the school site.

Richard Pilgrim, headteacher at the school, said: "One of the things we are most proud about at Charters is the extensive range of extra-curricular activities we offer our students. Participating in the wider life of the school is crucial to a rich and rounded education and it is often through these activities that we see our students maturing and developing as young people which has a significant knock-on effect for their progress in lessons.”

Pupils also found out about the exciting new extra curricular activities on offer at the Freshers Fayre.

A lot of children signed up to a club, whether it be robotics, science, music and film club and enjoyed their first day.