HUNDREDS of families gathered over the bank holiday weekend to have fun and raise money for a very worthy cause. 

Wildridings Primary school in Bracknell put on a circus festival for children, parents and friends of the school on Saturday, May 4.

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) helped put on the event and the proceeds will help towards funding playground equipment for the school.

Sara Bertoux, vice chairman of the PTA, said: "Everyone was really happy and positive, despite the weather everyone stayed warm inside the tent.

"We raised a total of £1,800 which we are so pleased about."

The National Festival Circus displayed their show to crowds and the acts included clowns, juggling, spinning plates and more.

Around 300 people flocked to watch the circus shows from 1pm to 4pm.

Guests also purchased hot dogs, popcorn and drinks.

The PTA is a group of parents who find out from teachers and schools what things they need for funding.

Wildridings has benefitted from school trips, disco events, summer fayres to funding school and teaching equipment.

Next month, the school will be hosting a fundraiser for their care taker who will embark on a cycle ride to raise money for the school.