IT SEEMS like Wokingham's latest celebrity has moved to pastures new.

Oki the deer took up residence in the town's allotments on Ormonde Road earlier this year but she hasn't been seen for five days.

Cllr Mark Ashwell, chair of the amenities committee at Wokingham Town Council, which would have decided on how to deal with the animal on Tuesday, September 1, said: "I am delighted that Oki, as she has been named, appears to have moved away from our allotment site.

"It was never the intention of Wokingham Town Council to shoot her and over a number of months we have sought expert advice and have been working to resolve the situation for both the deer and our allotment tenants.

"I am optimistic that Oki has moved to a more natural environment and that our site will be more secure in the future."

Wokingham Town Council has been working with allotment owners to try and encourage the deer to move to a new site by making the Ormonde Road allotments uncomfortable for it, by making noise and shining torches at night.

Should the deer return to the site the council will try to capture her using nets and relocate her to a more natural habitat using outside experts.

After news broke that one of the council's options for dealing with the deer was shooting her, a petition to save the deer received more than 158.000 signatures.