A CROWTHORNE school has been praised for its high quality of teaching as well as support, following a visit from education inspectors.

An Ofsted team found Hatch Ride Primary School to be 'good' with leaders recognised for significantly promoting high aspirations for pupils, encouraging a supportive team ethos and providing a sense of community for the pupils.

Ofsted also credited the school's safeguarding policies as being effective, with pupils feeling safe and well cared for, and stated that all adults understand their responsibilities for keeping pupils safe.

Attendance for 2016 was also above the national figure.

School writing projects which promote early writing were highly praised in developing skills throughout the whole school and quality of reading was also acknowledged.

The report states: "Leaders use extra funding effectively to enable disadvantaged pupils to make better progress, to help them catch up with other pupils nationally.

"As a result, a higher proportion of disadvantaged pupils passed the Year 1 phonics screening check in 2016 than other pupils, and in Key Stage 2 they are making more progress in reading than other pupils nationally.

"Parents spoke highly about the support provided for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, both socially and academically, and have confidence in leaders' abilities to meet their children's needs."