Teachers and horticulture pupils from Charters School officially opened the new area on Friday, along with the seven by 15-metre pond.

As part of the two-year project the pupils learnt new skills such as putting up fences and laying paving stones as well as considering how to landscape an area with wildlife in mind.

The project was funded through donations from the Fuel Allotment Trust and the Fire Brigade Trust, while practical help came from Ascot-based business Shorts Group, which dug the hole for the pond.

Despite the wildlife sanctuary only being open for a few days, there are already signs of wildlife within it, with water beetles, tadpoles and pond skaters all taking up residence.

Anne Ayres, the school’s vocational co-ordinator, said: “It is a resource that we hope will be very much used and appreciated by pupils from many disciplines and for years to come.

“The horticulture pupils have worked hard and can be fiercely proud of their achievement over the past couple of years. They are amazing!”